We are becoming a carbon-neutral communications agency
Sustainability means in-depth and far-reaching action. It implies frugal use of the natural resources available to mankind today. We anchored sustainability in the holistic approach of our corporate strategy, and integrated it into our day-to-day work, because we intend to leave a world worth living in to future generations.
Measures we take to enhance
Sustainability for our clients
We are committed not only to pursue sustainability in our own company. We also wish to assist and support our clients in their sustainability efforts.
Partners for climate change mitigation
As a client of ClimatePartner, we play an active part in climate change mitigation with a variety of measures. This includes determining the potential for reductions and calculating the carbon footprint of print products. Upon customer request, we also offer carbon-neutral print products. Our company and all of our products are carbon-neutral! Together with ClimatePartner, we measured the carbon emissions of our company and determined our corporate carbon footprint: We strive to avoid and reduce these carbon emissions wherever possible.
Whenever carbon emissions cannot be avoided, we make up for them by supporting a climate protection project. As a result, we qualify as a carbon-neutral company, all of our products being carbon-neutral as well. To compensate for our carbon emissions, we support a recognised climate protection project that is certified under international standards.
go to ClimatePartnerLet’s do this together
Why does the sustainability issue concern you, too?
In a nutshell: because of the consequences of climate change. Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, droughts and heat spells are becoming more frequent, while high water, storms and flooding create havoc worldwide. Add to this the adverse consequences for biological diversity and for the ecosystem. Many animal and plant species are either threatened or already extinct. To a large extent, the associated damages involve houses and infrastructure like roads, bridges and railway tracks. With this in mind, it is perfectly legitimate to wonder what sort of ramifications the growing scale of climate-change-related disasters have for the real estate market.
Selected ramifications for the real estate market
Global warming is the cause for heat spells, torrential rains, storms and hail showers; natural disasters are on the rise.
For the real estate market, this means:
- Direct building damages due to extreme weather and consequential damages
- Increased susceptibility of older buildings to damage
- Higher maintenance and management costs
- Costs for restoring damaged building sections
- Limited or no occupancy of properties during their refurbishment and therefore loss of rental income during such times
- Increase in insurance premiums or non-insurability of properties
- Necessary investments in resilience measures (cooling systems or moisture barriers)
For us, climate change mitigation means WE WANT MOOR
We set up a non-profit society to initiate active environmental protection measures. The society “WE WANT MOOR Verein zum Schutz der deutschen Moore e. V.” dedicates its efforts to the conservation of existing moors and to the re-naturalisation of moorlands in Germany.<br/> The WE WANT MOOR society passes the knowledge of sustainable action in this context on to private individuals, organisations and businesses. The first moor protection measures are already under way. If you would like to learn more about moor protection and our ongoing projects, be sure to check the society’s homepage.